г. Балашиха, мкрн. Железнодорожный, ул. Октябрьская д.11
Мы работаем с понедельника по пятницу c 09:00 до 18:00
г. Балашиха, площадь Славы, дом 1.
Canny store
Casual style store
Season sale!
Hello! We would like to announce a big sale of a spring–summer collection! We have catchy models in our stores in the city shops and online. The discount is active during the month. You can make an order online 24/7 and also come to the shop in park:

Our adress: 88/2, 10Singerstraße24433 Berlin, Germany.
White jacket
Girls white jacket with leather belt from Malli. 100% wool.
Grey runners
Gray Nike sneakers. New model for casual wearing. Available in grey, red and black.
Red hoodie
Cotton with "Tomato soup" sign. Available in red, blue and black.
Leather bag
Pink leather backpack fron Lallyay.
Wool sweater
Great for winter frost and windy days. 100% whool with large viscous
Leather sneakers
Grey model of casual city snekers from New Ballance
Shop now
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